Leester Wu, MD

Wu, Leester, MD

Primary Location

Mount Sinai South Nassau Gertrude & Louis Feil Cancer Center
One South Central Avenue
Valley Stream, NY 11580
(516) 632-3330

No Patient Experience Ratings [Why not?]


Radiation Oncology

Area(s) of Practice Specialty

Radiation Oncology

Hospital Employed


Medical School

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine


Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center

Board Certification

American Board of Radiology

Accepted Insurance

Participates in most plans the hospital accepts.
Click here to view the list of Participating Insurance Plans.
Click here to view the list of Non-Participating Insurance Plans.

Languages Spoken Other Than English

Spanish, Taiwanese


Dr. Wu has more than 15 years of experience in state-of-the-art external beam radiation therapy and Gamma Knife® stereotactic radiosurgery. He brings a diverse background in community practice, research, and academic training to Mount Sinai South Nassau’s Radiation Oncology Department. He was the recipient of numerous honors throughout his undergraduate work at Harvard University and while he was in medical school at the University of Pennsylvania. He completed his residency at Columbia University Medical Center in New York.